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Family Programmes and KUWC
The Basic Skills Agency's Family Programmes in Wales consist of programmes and workshops run in all Local Education Authorities to help parents improve their own basic skills and to get them back into learning whilst helping their children.

Family Programmes

Primary Quality Mark
The Basic Skills Agency’s Quality Mark is seen by the National Assembly as a central part of its strategy to improve the quality of literacy and numeracy provision in schools.

Primary Quality Mark

Read with Me
The Read with Me book contains guidance on how to support children who are at the early stage of reading.

Read with Me

Strategic Intervention Grants
The SIG is an annual grant allocated to LEAs to run any of 4 initiatives in schools to strengthen their strategy for raising literacy and numeracy standards.

Strategic Intervention Grants

Supporting ESOL/EAL programmes
Our ESOL/EAL programme aims to strengthen the support available to adults and children from linguistic minority communities in response to the ESOL/EAL scoping study, EAL and ESOL in Wales, commissioned in October 2002.


Supporters in Schools
In recent years LEA's have invested considerably in the provision and training of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and volunteers to deliver extra basic skills support to pupils who need it. To help assist LSAs and volunteers, this new section of the website identifies examples of good practice, and provides other resources and advice to help these 'Supporters in Schools'. Over the coming months the section will grow to incorporate guidelines, advice, resources, and signposts to other useful training programmes for literacy and numeracy on the internet.

Supporters in Schools
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