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Primary > Primary Quality Mark

Primary Quality Mark

The Basic Skills Agency's Quality Mark is seen by the National Assembly as a central part of its strategy to improve the quality of literacy and numeracy provision in schools.

The Quality Mark award recognises schools that meet minimum standards in teaching literacy and numeracy. Attainment of this award is based on a close partnership between the Agency, LEA and schools. The process involved in meeting the requirements of the ten elements of the Quality Mark, is effective in focusing schools attention on basic skills, and improving the quality of basic skills provision.

The 10 elements are;

1. A whole school strategy, including an action plan, to improve performance in basic skills.

2. An assessment of pupil performance in basic skills in the school.

3. A target for the improvement of the school's performance in basic skills.

4. Basic skills improvement plans for pupils underattaining in the school.

5. Regular review of the progress made by each pupil underattaining in basic skills.

6. A commitment to improving the skills of staff in the school to teach and extend basic skills.

7. The use of a range of teaching styles to improve basic skills.

8. The use of appropriate teaching and learning material to improve basic skills.

9. The involvement of parents in developing their children's basic skills.

10. An effective procedure for monitoring the action plan and assessing improvement in performance in basic skills.

The agency provides grants to LEAs to assist in the development of their strategies in supporting schools towards achieving the Quality Mark. Grants provided are intended to encourage LEAs to take a lead role in supporting and assessing schools. LEAs are also encouraged to take a strategic approach to ensuring that all their schools can meet the requirements.

In order for schools to receive the Quality Mark, they must be assessed by their LEAs against the 10 elements and be recommended to the Agency for approval. The Agency will monitor the assessments and ensure that they are consistent between and across LEAs.

If you want to find out more then contact Gary Wong on 020 7440 7769, or email

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Primary Quality Mark
If you want specific details about your LEA, use the link below to access the Quality Mark database,
Quality Mark Database
Quality Mark Flyer
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