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The National Basic Skills Strategy for Wales
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Cerys Matthews makes hit song '1-2-3' add up to £-£-£ for children's charity
Get reading - in Welsh - with 'Quick Reads'
1PLs - Same Day Loan
Evaluation group discussion / Trafodaeth grŵp gwerthuso
11-16 secondary school / 11-16 ysgol uwchradd
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Welsh Language Scheme

The Basic Skills Agency has prepared a draft Welsh Language Scheme which sets out how it proposes to deliver services to the public in Welsh.

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Creased up / Tickled pink / Gobsmacked / Swept away

Quick Reads - Get hooked on books

Quick Reads is the biggest industry-wide book publishing and bookselling initiative for adults ever undertaken in the UK.

The Quick Reads initiative aims to turn 12 million reluctant readers into 12 million addicted readers.


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