The Secondary Training Initiative is a school based initiative, supported by LEAs, which aims to increase the capacity of secondary schools to provide basic skills support for KS3 pupils who are falling behind the expected performance levels for their age. The aim of the initiative is to provide support for staff training in secondary schools which will have a direct impact on basic skills practice in classrooms.
The Agency provides funding to LEAs and to schools, via LEAs, to enable local planning and school-based training to take place. LEAs release funding to schools on receipt of a Basic Skills Action Plan which the LEA approves, according to criteria set by the Agency.
The LEA is eligible for £2,500 to cover planning, preparation and delivery of a seminar to outline the Secondary Training Initiative, to identify the key basic skills issues that need to be addressed and the support and guidance available for schools. Achieving the Quality Mark should also be an aspect of the seminar programme.
A further £500 per school is available to the LEA for advisory support for schools. £3000 is available to each secondary school to further develop and deliver a Basic Skills Action Plan. Schools must apply to the LEA for their grant.
The grants vary according to how many secondary schools there are in the LEA.
In addition, the Agency will:
Host national seminars and regional workshops for LEAs and schools to identify priorities and disseminate good practice and findings from the Secondary Training Initiative.
Provide support materials for the delivery of LEA seminars and work in collaboration with ESTYN and ACCAC to disseminate findings and the use of materials provided.
Develop a training pack for teachers to heighten awareness of basic skills issues and provide case studies of good practice.
Undertake a promotion campaign targeting KS3 and focusing on numeracy.
If you want to find out more then contact Rhian Mathias on 020 7440 7777, or email .