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Resources > Cross Phase Publications > Basic Skills Cymru > Basic Skills Cymru: February 2006

Basic Skills Cymru

March 2006

February 2006

January 2006

Almost 1 in 5 adults in Wales say they struggle with basic maths

Research commissioned by the Basic Skills Agency for the Numbers Count campaign reveals that 18% of adults in Wales admit that they are not confident with their maths. Find key statistics from this survey on our website, where you can also order free numeracy packs for parents and adults and read about Cerys Matthews’ support for the campaign.


Grants to LEAs

Applications from LEAs for grants to support 5 major initiatives in the early years and schools have been approved by the Basic Skills Agency. These grants will be made available for 2006–2008 and will support the following:

  1. Language and Play and Number and Play programmes for parents and their young children
  2. Family Literacy and Family Numeracy programmes
  3. Strategic Intervention Grants to support basic skills programmes in primary and secondary schools
  4. Training grants to provide additional training for secondary school teachers and teachers in primary schools in Community First areas and other areas of social disadvantage
  5. The Quality Mark

For more information contact Nicola Murdoch at

annual conference

Conference – 'Supporting Basic Skills'

At the end of last month the Agency held a conference on Basic Skills in Support, aimed at those involved with Strategic Intervention Grants, Family Programmes, Training Grants and the Quality Mark. The conference explored good practice in the training of supporters and focused on good practice in strategic planning to link programme areas and maximising the impact of these programmes. View findings from the conference on our website.


World Book Day 2006

We're very excited to be launching the first ever Welsh Quick Reads titles next month in preparation for World Book Day 2006 on 2 March. Quick Reads are a series of specially produced books targeting adult readers, and will cost £2.99 each. The books are short, fast-paced and commissioned from best selling authors. The vocabulary and content ensure they are accessible to the least able readers yet make pleasurable reading for readers of any ability. We'll be distributing £1-off book tokens in Wales to enable adult readers to choose from the 12 titles available in English and two in Welsh. A second batch of Quick Reads will be released in May.

The Agency has also made additional funds available to Local Authorities, and via them to schools, in the form of grants to promote and encourage activities related to World Book Day. These grants have also been made available to a range of other organisations, including colleges, private and public sector companies, trade unions, library services and voluntary and community organisations. These grants will be used to encourage the reading habit in children, young people and adults who struggle with reading.


We would love to hear your feedback on the new format of our magazine. Please send any comments or subscription/unsubscribe queries to with Basic Skills Cymru in the subject line.

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