Resources > Bilingual Pdfs |
Baseline Survey of Workplace Basic Skills Programmes in Wales - Executive Summary
The report is the result of a survey of employers and relevant organisations across Wales, which was conducted to establish the nature and extent of current activity around the delivery of workplace basic skills learning opportunities.
Baseline Survey pdf |
Basic Skills Cymru
News of the Welsh Assembly Government's National Basic Skills Strategy.
Basic Skills Cymru |
Best entries in the Basic Skills Book Awards 2003
This booklet is designed to help teachers, parents, librarians and others who want to find the very best books and material to help learners who are working to improve their basic skills.
Best entries in the Basic Skills Book Awards 2003 |
Bridges for Literacy
Clear evidence has been seen of a dip in aspects of English in the early years of secondary school. As pupils transfer from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 there are initial understandable strains upon learning. This report is the outcome of a survey that looks at bridging arrangements for literacy.
Bridges for Literacy pdf |
Early Years Resources
This publication lists the early years resources which are available from the Basic Skills Agency.
Early Years Resources |
Effective Practice in Writing at Key Stage 2
This report looks at good pratice in developing writing at Key Stage 2 by studying schools where the gap between attainment in reading and attainment in writing is not as wide as it is in most schools
Effective Practice in Writing at Key Stage 2 pdf |
Employer Pledge Pack
The pack contains information about all a company needs to do to sign up to the Employer Pledge. The Pledge has been developed as part of the National Strategy to reduce the number of adults in Wales with poor literacy and numeracy skills. It is intended for all public sector companies and organisations, whatever their size.
Employer Pledge Pack pdf |
The Extent of the Problem
Looks at the extent of the basic skills problem in Wales, how Wales compares with other countries, how many adults are in programmes to improve their basic skills, the cost of poor basic skills to the Welsh economy, and key reasons for poor basic skills in Wales
The Extent of the Problem pdf |
How to Teach Skimming and Scanning
This publication provides useful tips for secondary school teachers, and support the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for Secondary Schools.
How to Teach Skimming and Scanning pdf |
How to teach the drafting process
This booklet provides useful tips for secondary school teachers and supports the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for Secondary schools
How to teach the drafting process pdf |
How to use keywords effectively
This booklet provides useful tips for secondary school teachers and supports the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for Secondary schools
How to use key words effectively pdf |
Making it Happen
This booklet highlights some basic skills and workplace issues, looks at the cost to employers of poor basic skills, and identifies how organisations and employers can identify whether there is a basic skills problem and what can be done to meet basic skills needs
Making it Happen pdf |
National Standards for Adult Literacy and Numeracy
Literacy and numeracy are the fundamental skills that every adult needs to be able to function and progress at work and in society in general. This publication presents the standards for adult literacy and numeracy in English and Welsh and explains their structure and purpose
Glossary pdf |
Not My Problem
Provides employers with information about issues concerning basic skills. It highlights what basic skills are, how basic skills can affect businesses, and what support and advice is available to them.
Not My Problem pdf |
Playtime is a new magazine for parents and children who have taken part in the Language and Play programme. We hope this magazine will give you some new ideas to try with your child.
Playtime pdf |
Primary Quality Mark - Case Study Guides
The case study guides will be useful to schools that have gained or are thinking of applying for the Quality Mark. By using the Quality Mark as a framework, each guide provides useful insights into how schools are dealing with basic skills issues
Primary Quality Mark case studies pdf |
Read With Me
This publication is for parents who want to read with their children. It has been produced as part of the campaign to make sure that all children are well prepared for learning when they start school.
Read With Me pdf |
Read and Write Together
This collection is designed to help parents support their 3-5 year old children's early literacy development. It tells you how a child learns, gives ideas for activities to be done together and shows how to record your child's progress. all the activities can be done as part of your everyday routine and use objects found in the home.
Read and Write Together: Alphabet Activities pdf |
Securing Boys' Literacy
This report by Graham Frater is a primary school companion to Improving Boys' Literacy. Its findings are drawn from a survey on schools where high achievements or improvements in boys' literacy had already been found, or where boys' underachievement had been identified and was actively being addressed.
Securing Boys' Literacy pp1-26 pdf |
Summary Report of Survey into Young Children's Skills on Entry into Education (2002)
The survey questioned more than 700 head teachers in Wales about their perceptions of children's skills on entry to school. The survey gives the views of head teachers on the langauge and communication skills of new entrants to schools, and recommends ways of supporting parents in their role as prime educators.
Summary Report of Survey into Young Children's Skills on Entry into Education (2002) pdf |
Update Wales - Issue 1
News of the National Assembly's Basic Skills Strategy - Issue 1
Update 1 pdf |
Update Wales - Issue 2
News of the National Assembly's Basic Skills Strategy - Issue 2
Update 2 pp 1-10 pdf |