The Basic Skills Employer Pledge has been developed as part of the National Strategy to reduce the substantial number of adults in Wales with poor literacy and numeracy skills. It is intended for all private and public sector companies and organisations, whatever their size. It allows them to demonstrate their commitment to the National Strategy in a concrete way.
The Basic Skills Employer Pledge means that an employer pledges to 'help employees with poor basic skills to improve these basic skills'. That is all you have to do to enter the Pledge Scheme. However, to get a Pledge Award you have to do a bit more than just give a commitment. In brief, your company or organisation has to produce an Action Plan.
This Action Plan has to:
be in writing and available to everyone that works for the company;
say specifically that helping employees improve their basic skills is a commitment of the whole company or organisation;
include an assessment of need;
have clear and specific aims and objectives;
include the measures to be taken to help employees improve their basic skills;
set a realistic, but challenging timescale for achieving the objectives of the Action Plan;
detail the resources to be devoted to the Action Plan, including staff time and finance;
say who in the company or organisation is responsible for producing and implementing the Action Plan;
describe how the Action Plan is to be monitored and evaluated.