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Early Years > Language and Play ESOL Handouts > Early Writing

Language and Play - Early Writing

Did you know?

• Encouragement, praise and interest will inspire a child’s fascination with print and make them more likely to have a go at writing.
• Young children who are given lots of opportunities to use felt tips, crayons, chalks, old envelopes and cards become more skilled and confident writers than those who miss out on such experiences.

How does this help / support my child?

• Allowing a child to explore materials with their fingers is one of the first steps towards learning to write.
• Talking about and valuing the marks, squiggles, scribbles a child has made will encourage the child to value their attempts and progress.

Working together.

Try one of the following:

• Provide a range of writing materials e.g. paper, notepads, forms, envelopes pencils, crayons, felts and chalks.
• Support your child in producing a book or drawing

Activities you might like to try at home.

• Let you children share the writing of lists, cards and messages by adding their own marks
• Produce a scrapbook of dated and labelled work your child has produced. Discuss the mark making with the child.

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