Did you know?
• Speaking or singing to your child during your household chores will help your child and teach them routines
• Every baby or child or parent relationship is different - even within the same family.
How does this help / support the child?
• It gives a sense of security and helps them to begin to make choices
• Routines will help children of all ages and encourage them to speak and copy through play
Working together.
Try one of the following:
• Talk to your child about their favourite rhyme or bedtime story
• Read, tell or make up a story for your child and encourage them to join in as you tell the story
Activities you might like to try at home.
• Try talking or playing with your child when dressing, making the bed, at bath time or bedtime.
• Share favourite stories, songs and rhymes to go with familiar routines.
• Get your child to join with the preparing and cooking of meals e.g. making chapattis