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Resources > Cross Phase Publications > Sentences for Success

Sentences for Success

Phrase cards example

Sentences for Success is a collection of sentence strips for mothers, fathers, older brothers or sisters, carers, teachers, especially EAL and ESOL teachers, or anyone helping a younger child to learn in more than one language. These sentences may be downloaded and laminated for use in many different settings and in many different ways. We hope that they inspire you to create your own sentence strips to give positive feedback and motivate language learners of all ages.

1. You did that really well. How can we make it better?
2. I really liked the way you shared that.
3. What shall we do next?
4. Shall we try something different?
5. Shall we try it this way?
6. How can I help my child?
7. I am very pleased with my progress. I feel more confident now.
8. It really helps to work with a partner.
9. How can we find out more? Who can we ask?
10. Shall we look in a book? Or on the internet?
11. That’s a good answer. How did you work it out?
12. Let’s think about that again.
13. What do you think?
14. What do you like about this picture? Why do you like this?
15. What can you see here?
16. Does this make you feel happy or sad? Why?
17. What do you think he/she is feeling?
18. Does this remind you of something? What does it remind you of?
19. Does this remind you of someone? Who does it remind you of?
20. I am not sure how to do this. Can you help me please? Thank you.

Phrase cards example
Phrase cards - Arabic 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Arabic 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Arabic 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Bengali 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Bengali 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Bengali 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Cantonese 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Cantonese 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Cantonese 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Greek 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Greek 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Greek 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Mandarin 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Mandarin 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Mandarin 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Portuguese 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Potuguese 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Portuguese 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Punjabi 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Punjabi 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Punjabi 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Somali 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Somali 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Somali 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Tagalog 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Tagalog 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Tagalog 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Thai 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Thai 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Thai 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
Phrase cards - Turkish 1 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Turkish 2 (PDF) 2.9MB
Phrase cards - Turkish 3 (PDF) 2.5MB
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