A new format for our Basic Skills Cymru magazine
We started to produce our magazine, Basic Skills Cymru, just after the Assembly Government's Basic Skills Strategy for Wales was launched in 2001. We know, however, that it didn't always appear on the date on the cover and that there were sometimes gaps between issues.
We want the new Basic Skills Cymru to keep everyone involved in Wales up-to-date about what's happening with the National Strategy, give information and news about what we are doing or plan to do and provide links to articles about practice in Wales and elsewhere.
It will be a shorter and a more frequent – 9 times a year rather than 4 – printed update that will be circulated very widely. We'll show where you can read or download the article from our website and allow you to 'make your own magazine'.
Alan Wells, Director, Basic Skills Agency, alanw@basic-skills.co.uk