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Resources > Cross Phase Publications > Basic Skills Cymru > Basic Skills Cymru: January 2006

Basic Skills Cymru

February 2006

January 2006

Alan Wells

A new format for our Basic Skills Cymru magazine

We started to produce our magazine, Basic Skills Cymru, just after the Assembly Government's Basic Skills Strategy for Wales was launched in 2001. We know, however, that it didn't always appear on the date on the cover and that there were sometimes gaps between issues.

We want the new Basic Skills Cymru to keep everyone involved in Wales up-to-date about what's happening with the National Strategy, give information and news about what we are doing or plan to do and provide links to articles about practice in Wales and elsewhere.

It will be a shorter and a more frequent – 9 times a year rather than 4 – printed update that will be circulated very widely. We'll show where you can read or download the article from our website and allow you to 'make your own magazine'.

Alan Wells, Director, Basic Skills Agency,


Numbers Count campaign

This month we're launching the first public awareness campaign of the second phase of the Basic Skills Strategy for Wales, focusing on numeracy. Aimed both at parents and at adults whose own numeracy skills are limited, the campaign - Numbers Count - will encourage people to introduce maths to their children's lives and to address their own numeracy problems. Adverts will launch on 23rd January and free numeracy packs will be made available.

Stories, Songs and Rhymes


Numbers, Songs and Rhymes

Numbers, Songs and Rhymes, designed as part of the Number and Play programme, is a new publication exclusively for Wales aimed at early years and primary aged children. A companion book to Stories, Songs and Rhymes, the book encourages parents to talk and sing with their young children to help develop early number skills.

Language and Play

Language and play DVD

A brand new Language and Play DVD is hot off the press with a focus on professionals, parents and children themselves. Aimed at early years services and organisations interested in running the programme, the DVD will be primarily distributed through Language and Play co-ordinators. An additional limited number are also available on a first come first served basis.

Police ESOL

Police ESOL

Autumn 2005 saw the launch of Police ESOL, a set of materials published in partnership with South Wales Police and Cardiff City Council's Parade ESOL Service. Police ESOL aims to develop English language skills in the context of improving community safety and communications between the police and minority linguistic communities. The model is now being used to develop similar programmes outside of Wales.


Research and data

In 2004 the Basic Skills Agency commissioned two pieces of research: a survey of Welsh speaking adults across Wales to assess their reading and writing proficiency, and a survey of the literacy and numeracy skills – in English – of adults aged 16 to 65 in Wales. Survey findings are available on the website.


We would love to hear your feedback on the new format of our magazine. Please send any comments or subscription/unsubscribe queries to with Basic Skills Cymru in the subject line.

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