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Cross Phase > World Book Day 2005 > Story Bridge

Story Bridge

Lliswerry Junior and Secondary school pupils

As part of the World Book Day 2005 celebrations the Basic Skills Agency, in partnership with the Welsh Book Council, invited primary and secondary schools throughout Wales to create a ‘Story Bridge’.

The activity involved Year 7 pupils from a secondary school’s basic skills target group reading a story to groups of Year 3 or 4 pupils in feeder primary schools. Pupils in the target group do not have special needs but are nevertheless falling behind the expected performance levels for their age. The aim of the event was to provide pupils, receiving support with their reading with the opportunity to demonstrate and celebrate their progress.

The Basic Skills Agency offered a grant to each secondary school to enable them to prepare for the event. Preparations involved selecting and coaching readers as well as liaising with chosen feeder primary schools. A poster was sent to all schools to promote the event. In recognition of their involvement all pupils received book marks and the readers received personalised certificates and thank you letters.

The event involved over 100 secondary and primary schools throughout Wales. Over 300 secondary pupils read to over 1000 primary pupils. The majority of the schools reported back on the success of their event by sending in pictures or video clips of the pupils on the day or a written account of the activity.

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